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There's a Goddess Too
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There's a Goddess Too
Amy Sumida Copyright © 2012 Author Name All rights reserved.
ISBN: 1492345458 ISBN-13: 978-1492345459 DEDICATION
This book is dedicated to Darlyne Cummings, my Mother and the first goddess I ever knew. I love you, Mom!
Darlyne stomped into the house, and tossed her books onto the couch.
“What's this?” Her Granny came out of the kitchen,
and frowned at Darlyne's condition. “A girl at school said God's a man, and he's got this big ol' plan.”
“Well what's this plan of her man god?”
Granny asked with a nod.
“I don't know, she wouldn't say,” Darlyne frowned in dismay. “But I've got plans of my own, to do things when I'm grown. I don't need him butting in, and taking over on a whim.”
“Now come here, child and sit with me,” Granny sat and pat her knee.
“There's many
gods that people
living in the
space above.
Some are big and some are strong, some don't like when you do wrong,
but none can change what's in your heart,
or what you want to go and start. There's a God that's a man, it's surely true,
but, honey, there's a Goddess too.” “A Goddess?”
Darlyne blinked,
one, two, three.
“Is She a girl, just
like me?”
“Yes, my sweet, She's just like you, but much bigger and She can do, many things both great and small, She'll help you up when you fall.”
“Will She tell me what to do, like this other god wants to?” “No, the Goddess wants what's best, for both you and all the rest.
But if you're lost and can't see the way, She will help you without delay.
Even in this simple house you'll see, things that you thought could never be. These are just as magic as,
a unicorn's horn or faerie laugh.”
“Did She make the Earth and Sky?” Darlyne asked with narrowed eye.
“Some believe that She is them both, and some that She helped with their growth. She has many names in many places, many guises and many faces.
Sometimes She looks pale and bright, standing tall with fearsome might.
Sometimes She is dark and small, with eyes that can see it all. And sometimes She's undersea, a mermaid of great beauty.
“Does she love the animals?” Darlyne scrunched up her nose. “I don't want a goddess who, doesn't like my kitten too.”
“She helped to create them all, my hun, she loves them all, each and every one.”
Granny smiled and
tapped her chin,
“She loves them
from feathers to fin.”
“Great and small,
fur and shell, the Goddess loves
and treats them
“I think I like her better than,
the God that acts just like a man.” “That you may but it's your choice, and other's deserve their own voice. If they choose a God, it's not for you, to tell them what they should do. Let them speak of their God,
just smile to them and give a nod.
If the Goddess wishes, She'll teach them too,
but that is not for you to do.
You are to live your life the best you can,
and not let what people say disrupt your plan.” “So I don't have to believe their beliefs,” Darlyne smiled with relief.
“And they don't have to like mine. We can still get along just fine.”
“Yes, you've got it now exactly!” Granny grinned and smacked her knee.
“We always give God the respect he's due, but we know that
there's a Goddess
More Books by Amy Sumida
The Godhunter Series(in order)
Of Gods and Wolves
Marked by Death
Next in the Series:
Green Tea and Black Death
A Taste for Blood
The Tainted Web
Series Split:
These books can be read together or separately
Harvest of the Gods A Fey Harvest
Romance Novels:
Magic Books:
The Magic of Fabric
Feeding the Lwas: A Vodou Cookbook
Amy Sumida, There's a Goddess Too
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