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Fairy Rings and Dragon Kings (Book 7 in the Twilight Court Series) Page 7

  Then I shut the door on his horrified face.

  “Is that you, Twilight?” Killian mumbled.

  “Yeah; sorry, babe,” I said as I climbed onto the bed. “It was a last minute decision.”

  “That's fine with me.” Killian smirked as he pulled me against his warm chest and began nuzzling my neck. “I was just having a dream about you.”

  “I had hoped so.”

  Did I forget to mention that Killian also had an erection?

  “Perfect timing.” He rolled above me.

  “My Guard is outside the door.” I stopped him. “We can get back to this after we've found beds for them. It's been a long day, Blair.”

  “Your Guard?” Killian came fully awake and sat up. “Did you all twilight into my room?”

  “Yes.” I gave him an apologetic look.

  He looked down at himself. “Did they see everything?”

  “Yeah. I'm—”

  “Ha! Now Conri will stop with all the 'barghests are hung like puka-horses' bullshit.”

  “What?” I gaped at him.

  “Well, I'm not exactly small, darlin'.” He smirked.

  “Conri isn't here,” I said with a grimace.

  “Son of a bitch!” Killian snarled as he got out of bed and fished a pair of pants off the floor.

  “Yes, very appropriate cussing.” I rolled my eyes. “But Gradh is here; maybe she'll tell Conri about your package.”

  “You think?” Killian looked up hopefully.

  “Unbelievable.” I stood and headed toward the door, shaking my head. “You can come in now,” I said to the Guard. “He may not be decent, but he's dressed.”

  “Mostly,” Gradh murmured as she glanced at Killian's bare chest and then away.

  “Don't be shy.” Killian slung his arm around Gradh's shoulders. “Do you want another look?”

  Killian started to pull out his waistband, and Gradh jerked away.

  “Killian,” I growled. “Even if you stuck your erect cock in Conri's face, he still wouldn't admit that it was bigger than his.”

  “It's not,” Gradh whispered.

  “What?” Killian huffed. “No fucking way.”

  “Conri is nearly too much for me.” Gradh cleared her throat when she saw the other knights staring at her. “Well, he is a barghest.”

  “Son of witches!” Killian cursed.

  “Are we seriously standing here talking about cock size?” Cleary asked.

  Felix just rubbed his temples in a pained manner.

  “Killian, if you were any bigger, I wouldn't sleep with you,” I said. “Okay? Can we move on now?”

  “Really?” He asked.

  “Really,” I assured him.

  “Okay.” Killian settled down, his ego safe once more.

  We started down the hallway to look for some empty bedrooms and probably a couch or two for the Guard.

  “So, I'm bigger than Raza?”

  We all groaned and sped up, getting away from Killian as fast as possible. Cat ran off, leading the way.

  “What I say?” He called after us.

  Chapter Thirteen

  After we had my Guard settled in for the night on several makeshift beds in Killian's mother's spacious home, I went back to Killian's bedroom with him. Cat stayed in the living room, curled up before the fire, so we had some time all to ourselves.

  My sexual relationship with Killian was still new. We'd only been given the freedom to take things further after I'd found myself engaged to two other men. So, Killian and I had waited until after my honeymoon with Raza before we consummated our commitment to each other. That had been only five months ago.

  It was like being in the first stages of a romance; where you're still learning what the other person likes, and how to express what you like. But it was Killian, and I had always been comfortable with him. I could deal with anything he brought to the table.

  Although I wasn't expecting the spread he served up on that particular evening.

  “I've got something I want to show you, but I don't want you to freak out,” he said after we had locked the door behind us.

  “I've already seen your penis, Killian,” I huffed. “You need to get over yourself.”

  “No, not that.” He chuckled. “There have been some surprising side effects to the nathair-sith magic.”

  “Like what?”

  “I can shift in unusual ways.” Killian stepped out of his pants and sat on the bed. He pulled me over so he could start undressing me. “Ways that I'd like to try with you.”

  “With me?” I lifted my brows. “Like kinky sex?”

  “Exactly like kinky sex.” He smirked and waggled his brows. “Wanna see what I can do?”

  “Actually,” I murmured, “I'm intrigued. Go on; show me your skills, Snake Eyes.”

  “Excellent,” Killian growled as he tossed my clothes away and then flung me back on the mattress. “How do you feel about bondage?”

  “As long as you don't intend to use it as an excuse to spank me, I'm okay with it.” I watched him crawl up my body, and I began to smile. “You really do mean to get kinky.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, bondage isn't kinky,” Killian purred just before he lowered his lips to mine.

  Killian's kiss was nearly as hot as Raza's; sometimes it felt as if steam should be rising from our bodies. His tongue tangled with mine until I could barely think, only feel, and my sense of touch became so much more intense. I gloried in the slide of Killian's skin against mine, the rough patches of callouses on his hands, and the tickle of hair on his calves—all the little bits that silently relayed the message that this was Killian. He shifted his hips between my legs, and I felt him lay his erection against me. He began to slide it over me, just wringing the desire out of my body.

  Then Killian grabbed my hands and held them above my head. I felt a thick, slick cord wrap around my wrists. I opened my eyes, about to say something sassy about bondage, when I saw that the cord was his hand, transformed into a shimmering snake body. It extended from his wrist in a shiny length of copper, nearly the same shade as his auburn hair.

  “Well, that's interesting,” I said.

  “It doesn't scare you?” He asked with just a hint of apprehension.

  “Killian, think about my life for just a second and then ask yourself if a little snake tail is going to scare me.”

  “You never know,” he murmured, “some women are frightened by snakes.”

  “Did I look frightened when I punched your giant snake form in the nose?”

  “Good point,” he conceded. “But fighting a snake and sleeping with one are two different things.”

  I looked pointedly between us, at the rigid piece of flesh lying over me. “You're still man enough for me.”

  “So, that means I shouldn't use my new, flexible hands to ...” He set one hand... tail... body... whatever... against my entrance.

  “Whoa,” I stiffened. “Maybe ease me into this.”

  He laughed.

  “We have all night; we can go as slow as you like... or as fast.” Killian whipped his snake-hand away from my core.

  Then he brought the same hand up and over my belly. It slid around my breast and tightened, the tip of it curling around my nipple. It created a sensation unlike anything I'd ever felt before. I groaned and pushed into him.

  “Just wait till you see what else I can do with them,” he whispered in my ear. “I'm very nimble.”

  “Oh, I can hardly wait.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  After Killian had shown me several of the wonderful things he could do with his shapeshifting limbs (yes limbs), we had a good night's sleep. I woke refreshed and ready to take on a court of abducting sea dragons.

  Killian's mother, Elara Blair, gave us a recap of the previous day's events over breakfast. She had invited Chiwen to dine with us so that he could help her relay what happened with the Sons.

  “King Chiwen handled them like a born diplomat,” Elara said, sending a smile Chad's w

  “Thank you.” Chad bowed his head briefly. “But I don't believe that was entirely my skills.”

  “Go on,” I prompted.

  “They were annoyed to be forced to deal with me”—Chad frowned pensively—“but they didn't seem too disappointed when I informed them that the Casters were not interested in any further negotiations.”

  “They did leave rather quickly,” Elara added. “I thought it was because they had only brought three dragons with them, and those were all in human form.”

  “Three dragons are more than enough to put up a fight,” Killian muttered. “More than enough to win a fight.”

  “Your son is correct,” Chad said gently to Elara. “Those dragons could have shifted in seconds. Without the additional unseelie forces and myself, I don't think the Casters could have held out under an attack.”

  Elara paled.

  “That's why Raza sent you reinforcements.” I patted her hand. “It's okay; you're practically family. We got you.”

  “I don't think they'll return,” Chad mused. “I believe they have other options.”

  “I agree,” I said, “and I think those options may have something to do with the disappearances.”

  “I can't see how taking humans would help their cause.” Chad shook his head. “Merely transporting them would be difficult, and then if they were to keep them... I just don't see it being worth their efforts. The Court of the Nine Sons isn't like the Court of the Dragon Kings.”

  “What do you mean by that?” I asked him.

  “Well, the Court of the Dragon Kings has an air-ward around it,” Chad explained. “The whole of the castle and its grounds exist in a giant bubble. That would be more conducive to keeping enslaved humans. Whereas my old court has to prep each room before an air-breather could be brought in.”

  “The whole damn thing is in a bubble?” Killian gaped at him.

  “Yes.” Chad stared at Killian serenely.

  “Don't the Dragon Kings like living in water?” I asked with fascination.

  “They enjoy the dichotomy of existing in a world of air, plants, and sunlight while living beneath the sea.” Chad shrugged. “And they have been known to bring humans to court.”

  “They have?” I leaned forward.

  “Sunlight?” Elara asked. “Did you say they have sunlight?”

  “They have a sunlight spell set into their air-ward. It's on a timer, I believe,” Chad answered Elara first, then turned to me. “And yes, Your Majesty, the Dragon Kings love to bring humans into their world.”

  “Did you say their sunlight is on a timer?” Elara eyes were getting larger.

  “Does it clap on?” Killian joked, and I laughed.

  “The timer mimics the sun cycle,” Chad explained. “You wouldn't want it to be sunny all the time, would you?”

  “No, that would be annoying,” Elara rolled her eyes.

  Chad blinked and then realized where he was. He had lived in Alaska for many years, so he knew all about the months of straight sunlight. He burst out laughing and then covered his mouth with his hand.

  “My apologies,” Chad said.

  “Not at all,” Elara waved her hand. “It was meant to be funny.”

  “Are there any Bite witches here?” I asked; suddenly wondering about the sunlight.

  Bite witches couldn't actually harmed by the Sun, but they had an aversion to it, just like their baobhan-sith ancestors.

  “In Alaska or in the Hallow?” Killian countered.


  “We have a few in the Hallow, but the Bite tribe tends to stay out of Alaska.” Killian smirked. “It's just another reason to love this place.”

  “But it would be nice to be able to control the amount of sunlight you get,” Elara noted.

  Something about the statement made me pause. Controlling sunlight; it tickled at a memory... something that felt important.

  “And you thought we were magical,” Killian teased his mom.

  “I would love to see it; the Court of the Dragon Kings,” Elara murmured.

  “I as well.” I set my stare firmly on Chiwen. “Maybe the Sons are innocent of this, and it's the Court of the Dragon Kings that we need to be investigating.”

  Chad sighed deeply and pondered the possibility.

  “Your last ambassadorial visit to a dragon court didn't go so smoothly,” Killian pointed out.

  “And you don't have an invitation to this one,” Gradh added.

  “Or any rights down there,” Ainsley continued. “I don't think it would be a good idea to try and bully your way in, Your Highness.”

  “No, it wouldn't,” Chad agreed, “but perhaps you could approach it from a different angle.”

  “What do you have in mind?” I smiled at Chad.

  “The Dragon Kings have a fondness for human culture,” Chad said. “It's why they've taken humans below so often in the past. They've been known to take human lovers, and even coerce talented people to live at court with them permanently.”

  “Coerce?” I lifted a brow.

  “Dragons can be very persuasive.” Chad smirked. “Especially those of the Kings. They are more sensual than the Sons, more hedonistic, and more ...”

  We all stared at him expectantly.

  “Well”—he cleared his throat—“let's just say that I had thoughts of defecting to their court instead of taking the position of Rath Lord in Alaska.”

  “No. Really?” I asked. “They're that different from the Sons?”

  “Wildly different,” Chad confirmed. “And they would love to host a half-human twilight princess. Especially if you add in the bit about the Sons trying to kill you and blame the Kings for your murder.”

  “Yeah, I can see how that might be intriguing.” I chuckled. “Is there any way for you to contact them, Chad?”

  “Of course,” he said flippantly. “They have crystal balls just like the rest of us.” He looked around. “You do have a crystal ball here, right?”

  “I have one here,” Killian said, “and the elders have one in the meeting hall.”

  “Ah, yes”—Chad nodded—“very good. I can scry them immediately if that's your wish, Your Majesty?”

  “It is my wish,” I said with a grin. “Thank you, Chad.”

  “My pleasure.” He was about to get up when I stopped him.

  “Chad, do you keep in contact with the grindylows?”

  “Yes, they come to visit me at Craos-Teine sometimes.” Chad beamed.

  “Oh, that's sweet; I'd like to see them the next time they come by,” I said softly. “I miss those little guys.”

  “I'm sure they miss you too.” Chad lifted his brows pointedly.

  “Oh, right.” I blinked and refocused. “Do you think they'd be willing to spy on the Court of the Nine Sons for us? I don't want to rule the Sons out entirely.”

  “I'm sure the grindylows would be tickled pink to perform some espionage for you.” Chad chuckled. “I'll scry them after the Kings.”

  “Thank you, Chad.”

  He nodded respectfully, and Killian took him to the scrying crystal.

  “I'll need to speak with the elders before I leave,” I said to Elara. “I'd like for them to set a watch on the shoreline. I'll have the local extinguishers help out with it.”

  “I'll go fetch them for you,” Elara said as she stood.

  “No, it's fine.” I got up too. “I'll go with you, and then I can use their crystal ball to scry High Councilman Murdock. He's going to want an update.”

  “Do you really think the dragon courts will go to war?” Elara asked me as we headed out of the house.

  Cat trailed after us.

  “Yes, I do,” I said somberly. “I just hope they keep it to Fairy.”

  “War and abductions,” Elara muttered. “They must be related somehow. The timing is too close not to be.”

  “Yes, if only I could figure out what a bunch of missing humans has to do with a dragon war.”

  “Killian asked me i
f we could assist you in your search for the missing people in any way,” Elara said. “There are several spells that could be utilized in searching for people, especially if you have any personal items of the missing, but I would think that the Fey would have better versions of them already.”

  “Yes, you're probably right,” I agreed. “It's one of those things that must be taken as it comes. Each investigation site poses its own issues.”

  “Well, if there is an issue that you think we could help with, don't hesitate to call... or send Killian,” she said.

  “Thank you; I may just take you up on that.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  After I spoke with the elders and then High Councilman Murdock, I headed back to Fairy. Chad had spoken with an old friend of his in the Court of the Dragon Kings, and he had promised to get back to Chad with their answer. Chad had also been able to contact the grindylows, and they were already on route to the Court of the Nine Sons. Evidently, the grindylows had their own a cavern community a few miles away from court, and it was equipped with a crystal ball.

  We had done all we could in Alaska, so Chad was going to drive us up to his old rath, where we could twilight home. Chad was just dropping us off. He would be staying at the Hallow with the unseelie soldiers and Killian, just to be sure that the Sons didn't return for another go at the Casters.